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Wacky Writing Week

Ever had a writing plan for a semester break and then wondered where it all went?

We invite you to join us for a low-pressure, no-stress Wacky Writing Week.

Wacky Writing Week is free, fun, and open to everyone. There’s no application process!

Sign-ups have closed for this round, but we look forward to having you next time.

Writing Week runs January 11th to 17th


Jan 11



Jan 12



Jan 13

Word Count


Jan 14



Jan 15

Free Write


Jan 16



Jan 17



Customize your
schedule, set your
goals, and join us for
a productivity kickoff!

Zoom Link HERE

Write two pages.
Or more. But not
less. Send us a
selfie to document
your success. You
can do this!

Join us in the virtual
coffee house or just set
time aside to write. How many words can you put on the page in 20 minutes? An hour?
(Gulp) A day?

Zoom Link HERE

Lather, Rinse,
Repeat from

It’s your writing day—maybe you’ll literally free-write, making notes for this project or a new one. Maybe you’ll revise the 4+ pages you’ve written this week. Maybe you’ll raise your word count and your page count. But write!

(and send a selfie)

Enjoy the day,
and take 30
minutes to read
and celebrate
what you’ve

You made it! Celebrate your success and plan for your next writing steps. Edit and expand what you’ve written. Plan for your next writing steps. Finish up those last few pages to hit your goal. Did you write 10 pages? Send a selfie to commemorate your W3!

Snapshots & Selfies from W3 2021

To "upload" anything you'd like to share, please email it to us here. Enjoy the week!

A little motivation to start off our week, thanks to Kirsten Pullen, Amy Hughes, Jeeta Abdullah, and Shane Breaux:

“Just imagine how good you’ll feel when it’s done.” — Patricia A. Hurley

“Great stories happen to those who can tell them.” — Ira Glass

“Write. Just do it. Then again. Then some more. And more. Do not wait for inspiration; if you do enough of it often enough, inspiration will eventually come.” — Nancy Kress

“Writing is a form of mischief.” — Stephen Sondheim (In Look, I Made a Hat, xxiii)


From Kirsten Pullen:

Check out these wacky funsters!

We shared goals and strategies for the week ahead!

Folks have been starting off this week strong! Take a look at the notes and snapshots so far—

Beth Osborne writes: "I’m happy to say that, after a *ton* of interruptions and errands today, I wrote 479 words! Wahoo!"

Nicole Hodges Persley writes: "I hit my goal of pages today! Power on!"

A look at Susan Kattwinkel's work on Tuesday!

Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 12.02.46

Ready for our close-ups in the W3 coffeehouse!


Pictured clockwise:

Jonathan Shandell, Kirsten Pullen, Grace Overbeke, Susan Kattwinkel, Danielle Rosvally, Peng Xu, Carol Martin, and Dani Snyder-Young

See what people have been accomplishing in the second half of the week!

Nicole Hodges Persley writes: "Made it to my goals and page count for the day!"

Shane Breaux shared a writing tip about the downloadable software Scrivener: "I found it VERY helpful in keeping all my notes, drafts, research images, and citations organized, manageable, and accessible all in one place."

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